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How was ChefMaTe born?
Everything was born for educational purposes. The need to make students calculate the costs of the dishes and their nutrient content has persecuted me for years, so I tried to develop a system that would do all the boring part of the work (calculations) leaving the man Creative part … (then FileMaker took a bit of my hand and requests for a more professional application did the rest).
From 1999 to today ChefMaTe is constantly evolving (I dedicate it to some time almost every day) the additions and improvements come from feedback from the field experiences of chefs, restaurateurs, hoteliers and teachers who already use it.
ChefMaTe was developed on Macintosh with FileMaker Pro.
FileMaker Pro® is an agile and very powerful programmable relational database. It allows you to quickly build custom multiplatform applications that can be used on Mac OSX and Windows.
ChefMaTe® is registered with SIAE and protected by copyright laws. Filemaker Pro is a registered trademark of FileMaker Inc. – Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer

ChefMate’s Team
Softwares Created and Designed for Chefs

Marco Terrile
Marco Terrile
Here we are: software I write it, but without the suggestions of these friends and collaborators would not be what it is …
Thanks to Marco Consigliere, Claudio Pucci, Emiliano Lombardelli, Roberto Bendinelli, Luca Barbieri, Stefan Erning, Rudy Speranzoni, Manuele Presenti.
He started as commis, then head boss, then chef … Since 1984 a practical technical teacher of Catering Services Laboratory at IPSSAR Marco Polo in Genoa.
In 1987 he started using the computer (he was a mythical Apple // e) and since then the partnership with Apple and Macintosh goes on …
Self-taught, self-taught, and passionate computer has learned to deal with word processing and image editing programs, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, and HTML.
Preferred tool: FileMaker Pro database. Since 2008, member of FileMaker Technical Network
With FileMaker Pro, it has made ChefMaTe, Italian Ice Cream and Booking Agenda
Other management solutions:
Bryan: software for reporting cytotoxic tests on food intolerance and rotation diets
In collaboration with Soluzione Lavoro Turismo, Italy’s leading hotel search engineer, an application for research, selection and placement of staff
For a small publishing house, a billing, shipping and customer mastering management.

Marco Consigliere
Authentic guru of FileMaker, is the administrator of and of the fmp-ita discussion list; A member of FileMaker Business Alliance, a professor at FileMaker Workshop courses, expert in web development and web marketing.
He has created customized IT solutions and databases for import / export companies, auction houses, law firms and doctors, communications agencies, clinics, architecture studios.
Performs design, development, installation, and support of FileMaker Pro-based management solutions.
Co-author with Riccardo Albieri, Vincenzo Gentile and Giulio Villani of the book “The Great Guide – FileMaker Pro 9” published by Mondadori Informatica in 2008.
Organizer of 1st DevCon FileMaker 2008

Chef Claudio Pucci

Chef Emiliano Lombardelli
Soon available some of its sensational recipe packages for ChefMaTe International.
Emiliano’s recipes were published in the magazine Il Cuoco, official magazine of the Italian Cooking Federation.

Chef Roberto Bendinelli
It is a power user and tester of ChefmaTe International for which it suggests new functionality and improvements dictated by everyday use.
Soon available some of his recipes packages for ChefMaTe International.

Chef Supervisor Luca Barbieri
Since 1992 he has been working as the first Chef, and in 2004 joins G.D.A. Artistic decoration group as a multifunctional component especially for the kitchen.
In 2006 he co-ordinates the staff in Salzburg to win, with the thought of cold, thoughtful, silver and bronze. Already since 2003 begins the curiosity and study of the Molecular kitchen following the ideas of Ferran Adrià, Davide Cassi, Ettore Bocchia, Bottura and Uliassi. In 2006 and 2007 he was teaching at the Lepido Rocco Giovanni XXIII in Caorle (Italy), a professor of cooking technology at the Hotel Professor in Caffé.
The Classic and Modern Pastry Techniques and Chocolate Processing have been refined by the Masters’ Advice such as Luca Montersino, Fabrizio Galla, Danilo Freguja,
Piergiorgio Giorilli, Ezio Marinato.
Currently working as a Free Professional throughout Italy and abroad, with professionals
Specializing in Catering, Bakeries, Confectionery and Hotels with Consulting and Courses.
Collaborates with F.I.P.C
Italian Personal Chef Federation in Venice at Cà Zanardi
Tester and Demo for companies like Convotherm – Orved – Unox – Foinox – Pavoni
Chefmate Pro 4 Power User and International and Plus Version Testers!
Skype & cell. : Speranzoni.rudy + 393391384831
Facebook: rudy hope

Chef Stefan Erning
Chef Executive at Locanda Il Gallo (FI) collaborates with German translations, is a user tester of ChefMaTe International and a referral for German-speaking users.
Hallo, ich bin Stefan Erning.
Ihre Kontaktperson für den deutschsprachigen Raum. From ich als Koch in der Toscana in einem Hotel-Restaurant (Locanda il Gallo) you will be able to enjoy the program in the unspoilt surroundings, and you will be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of the Raum zu übernehmen.
Ich hoffe auf gute Zusammenarbeit!
Ihr Stefan Erning

Chef Rudy Speranzoni
Executive & Personal Chef Rudy Speranzoni was born on 30-12-1971 in Mestre, graduated in 1986 at the E.Cornaro Hotel Institute in Jesolo Lido (VE), grew up in local restaurants and hotel and collective facilities on national and international level. Chef of all respect (Old, Good, Florentine, Mei, Scaggiante …), participates in various courses and pastry courses, gastronomy, fusion cooking, ethnic, molecular.
Since 1992 he has been working as the first Chef, and in 2004 joins G.D.A. Artistic decoration group as a multifunctional component especially for the kitchen.
In 2006 he co-ordinates the staff in Salzburg to win, with the thought of cold, thoughtful, silver and bronze. Already since 2003 begins the curiosity and study of the Molecular kitchen following the ideas of Ferran Adrià, Davide Cassi, Ettore Bocchia, Bottura and Uliassi. In 2006 and 2007 he was teaching at the Lepido Rocco Giovanni XXIII in Caorle (Italy), a professor of cooking technology at the Hotel Professor in Caffé.
The Classic and Modern Pastry Techniques and Chocolate Processing have been refined by the Masters’ Advice such as Luca Montersino, Fabrizio Galla, Danilo Freguja,
Piergiorgio Giorilli, Ezio Marinato.
Currently working as a Free Professional throughout Italy and abroad, with professionals
Specializing in Catering, Bakeries, Confectionery and Hotels with Consulting and Courses.
Collaborates with F.I.P.C
Italian Personal Chef Federation in Venice at Cà Zanardi
Tester and Demo for companies like Convotherm – Orved – Unox – Foinox – Pavoni
Chefmate Pro 4 Power User and International and Plus Version Testers!
Skype & cell. : Speranzoni.rudy + 393391384831
Facebook: rudy hope

Maestro Gelatiere Manuele Presenti
At 29 he leads his first course for artisan gelatoers at the Grosseto Chamber of Commerce, thus starting his career as a trainer.
Since then he has led over 40 basic courses and specialization for craftsmen. The courses were sponsored by craft traders associations of hotel schools in the European Community.
He has collaborated in the creation of the Gelato italiano 2.0 program
It has made two recipe neutral products and marketed by B & C Cosmetic and Food Via Brescia 11/13 Rebecchetto with Induno (Mi) tel. + 390331606842
Commercialized Products: 1) Neutral Creams Chiccheria 2) Neutral Fruits Chiccheria
A Software for Every Need
ChefMaTe offers you wonderful, complete and sophisticated work tools but at the same time efficient and easy-to-use, designed and designed for Chefs, Chefs, Caterers, Gourmets, Pasta, Barman, F & B Manager, Canteen Managers Community, Catering and Banqueting Operators, Cooking Schools.