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ChefMate Evolution
The new recipe book, revolutionary for simplicity of use and power!
A program made by a Chef for chefs.
Food-cost analysis at the penny, plate production plates, kitchen work organization, custom menus, nutrition calculations are no longer a problem!
From the small restaurant to the high-class hotel, community kitchens, canteens, gourmet restaurants, pastry shops, bars, catering, banqueting, hotel schools and professional courses: all chefs, professionals and non-members can find in ChefMaTe International an exceptional companion Which can work in six different languages!
Easy to use
Because the Chef does not have time to lose with computers.
Because the Chef requires high-level results in a short time.
ChefMate Evolution
Semplice Da Usare
Le visualizzazioni come liste permettono ricerche estremamente veloci e raggruppamenti rapidi: basta un solo clic per trovare tutti gli elementi di un certo tipo o con caratteristiche simili. Pratici pannelli permettono di concentrare in una sola schermata molte informazioni e di visualizzarle in modo razionale e immediato. Le funzioni principali sono comandate da comodi pulsanti a video. Basta inoltre puntare un oggetto con il mouse per ottenerne la descrizione o un aiuto veloce sul suo utilizzo.
Struttura del programma
Al momento sono disponibili i moduli “Utenti e preferenze”, “Ricettario”, indispensabili per cominciare e il modulo “Relazioni” per la gestione di Anagrafiche clienti-fornitori-dipendenti-contatti, più gestione di messaggi e una eccezionale e intuitiva gestione dei Turni di Lavoro. Sono in fase di sviluppo altri moduli per “Gestione F&B”, “Vendite e noleggi”, “Contabilità e statistiche”.
Funzionamento in rete
In alternativa è possibile utilizzare ChefMaTe International in multiutenza contemporaneamente su più postazioni in rete anche mista Mac/Win, se si possiede una licenza FileMaker Pro 8.5 o superiore per ogni computer. Ulteriori informazioni su FileMaker Pro
With ChefMaTe you can insert the recipes with your favorite dose and at a time scale the quantities to get the required production. This is easy: almost all programs of this kind can scale the doses, but ChefMaTe knows much more: here’s what you can do
- Insert the ingredients at net or gross weight, leaving the program to calculate the waste to get the required quantity of raw material out of the program;
- Vary the cooking yield for each ingredient;
- Use recipes as semi-processed in other recipes;
- Compose menus and save them to an archive for later use, printing them extremely customized with the formatting you want;
- Apply correction for banquet portions, even for each single ingredient, or to indicate a greater or lesser yield of the dish;
- Indicate and print what ingredients you need to have online;
- Print technical sheets and work plans for a full menu divided for each game;
- Print labels for sale at the bar counter;
- Print technical working papers with or without flat photos and photo of the processing phases;
- Calculate the nutrients of a dish, the food-cost and the sale price with surgical accuracy on the fly, or determine the selling price and see how much you earn or lose;
- Send recipes by email;
- You can either put your photos or alternatively search and import the pictures of the dishes from Google Images
- Export and import recipe packages with or without photos
ChefMate Evolution
The Relation module
Manage messages
Gestione orari Dipendenti e Turni di Lavoro
System requirements
Windows XP (Service Pack 2) – Windows Vista – Seven
Pentium 4 processor at 500 MHz or sup
100 Mb of disk space –
Screen 1024×768
Mac OSX 10.4.8 or sup
G4 processor or sup. (Intel Core Duo recommended)
100 MB of disk space
Screen 1024×768
A Software for Every Need
ChefMaTe offers you wonderful, complete and sophisticated work tools but at the same time efficient and easy-to-use, designed and designed for Chefs, Chefs, Caterers, Gourmets, Pasta, Barman, F & B Manager, Canteen Managers Community, Catering and Banqueting Operators, Cooking Schools.